Life Blog 3: Simplicity Slot 1.
Since my blog about community I have been following my own inner compass in that direction. After several weeks with some folk whose mini community roughly resembles what I wrote about, I find myself in the lovely town of Motueka, connecting with many people of like mind. I have floated the idea, and am watching to see if it’s ready to swim . . . or not.
Meanwhile I unearthed from my oft-travelled belongings a CD of five brief talks I gave on a community radio station in the UK, back in 2009. Finding them still relevant, maybe even more so, I have had them converted to mp3 files and will send them out one a week over the next five weeks. They are about a five-minute listen. Enjoy!
Thanks for this Margaret. Procrastination is a word that popped up for me. I have been procrastinating a lot lately, and feeling bad about it. Then I remembered a word you and I used about 20 years ago – I realised I have been “shoulding” on myself. Time to put both aside, listen to my inner voice and live simply.
How gorgeous to hear your lovely voice and be treated to your ever relevant musings on simplicity. What strikes me are your urging to be individual and authentic about what it means for each of us, and to allow that, and to listen to the small voices within awaiting our attention and consciousness. A beautiful reminder. It will be great to hear the next 4.
Go well.
Individual and authentic! Yes, Jane! And more on the small voices in a later Simplicity Slot.
Thank you for the lucid introduction to Duane Elgin’s “voluntary simplicity”. So clear. What stood out for me was that voluntary equals consciously.
Yes, that’s still a gem that comes to me at times! Ah, the freedom of a life without “shoulding” on myself!
Your blog on Simplicity comes well-timed, Margaret. The beginning of August, I claimed this month to be a month of living simply. I continue to “voluntarily” weed out my email contacts and choose consciously activities by prioritizing which ones bring me joy (kind of like the closet-cleaning guru suggests), which ones illuminate this soul and discerning with whom I want to spend time. It has take time and as August comes to a close, I find I am painting and writing more, getting out of my paddle board, swimming with friends, attending concerts, attending fewer on-line workshops – and with quite a different attitude of enjoyment rather than thinking of the next thing I have to do. Of course, I plan for this to continue into September, and on.
Looking forward to the next blog on this subject, Margaret.
Your comment inspires me, JayaLynda!I love to think of you in the varied activities you list. How wonderful that this has emerged from your commitment to simplicity!
Serendipity led me to your blog early this morning.
Thank you for your gift….
I look forward to the next post and begin my day with calm focus.
I love the way you unpack voluntary simplicity. Moving to a one bedroom apartment 11 years ago was a significant transition in my desire to live more simply. I found I could do without an ironing board, a floor mop and a dining table. I have been clearing out unwanted stuff ever since I arrived here. Simplicity opens up breathing space and more room for the creative life. Thank you for your thoughts.
And thank you for yours!