Fun-eral Parties

You could have a Fun-eral Party!          

For weeks, every time I wrote ‘funeral’ I saw and heard ‘fun-eral’. And that led to this rather wild idea of a Fun-eral Party.

Here’s the idea:

  • You get together a bunch of friends who are prepared to creak open the door to conversation around funerals (and death even!)
  • You make sure you have between four and eight of you, not too many and not too few, but any age or sex.
  • You make a date and time (making sure I can be there, of course), allowing approx. 2 hours.
  • You provide some drinks and nibbles to suit your friends, or a simple meal if you’d rather.
  • And you tell them this is a party where they pay for the privilege of talking about the last taboo.

I bring to the party my:

  • sense of fun
  • delight in getting death and funerals into the open
  • sense of ‘anything goes’
  • ability to make sure everyone is heard
  • experience and knowledge if you want it
  • some evocative questions


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